Translation of customer service and self-service pages

Global customer care solutions are not only challenging: they’re also expensive, which is why there’s a growing trend for self-service solutions in the customer care sector. Whether self-service articles are a step that can be followed up directly with a customer care consultant or not, translation quality is one of the main factors defining their efficiency, both for customers and your company.

Translating Quality in Customer Care

The quality of translation is extremely important for customer care articles, and even more important for customer self-service. Support articles must be comprehensive, accurate and easy to follow, and this requires at least two levels of quality assurance – an editor checking if all information is accurately conveyed in the new language, and a proofreader ensuring there are no errors in spelling, style or punctuation that could hinder understanding.

It is advisable for the linguists involved in these situations to be aware of the guidelines of plain language, as well as to have a good understanding of the subject matter covered in customer care content – whether it’s tutorials, troubleshooting materials or automated messaging.

The Role of Language in Translation of Customer Service and Self-service Pages

High-quality translations allow you to use customer care articles as a valid form of communicating not only your ideas, but also your attitude. Language should:

  • Convey your attitude towards customers (preferably in a warm and understanding – never a mocking or disapproving – way)
  • Be very precise in providing all technical and use-related details (especially in terms of different types of services or models)
  • Be comprehensive, but not unnecessarily heavy

Market-specific Customer Care Content Adaptation

One of the most frustrating things about self-service customer care is when the article for your specific version of product or service is missing. It is normal that different markets have slightly different solutions, and it is normal for companies to want to cut costs by grouping similar versions of products and services together. However, for the sake of customer retention, it’s advisable to perform content adaptation on select articles so that they align with the exact services and products available in a given country.

Translation Technology for Customer Care Content

Consistency is one of most important factors in customer self-service content’s usability. This may seem simple but, with large teams translating large amounts of content, there is huge risk of inconsistencies. Only the use of professional CAT software, translation memory and well-kept glossaries will free you from consistency worries, thus reducing the number of customers sending questions your way or leaving unsatisfied comments below your content.

Video Tutorials

Video is, in many cases, an effective asset for self-service customer care. However, if not translated properly, it can cause misunderstandings instead of providing clear explanations. As video content is usually translated by different teams than those who work on text-based content, the role of project management is crucial for ensuring consistency in video translations.

Think strategically about your multilingual customer service content. Self-service customer care can be great for savings if done properly.