Maximising sales potential in foreign markets: 5 key aspects for furniture manufacturers

Maximising sales potential in foreign markets: 5 key aspects for furniture manufacturers

As the global economy continues to evolve, many furniture manufacturers are looking to expand their business by exploring foreign markets. It’s an excellent opportunity for companies to grow their customer base and increase revenue – though one that also presents unique challenges.

In this article, we will explore 5 key aspects that furniture manufacturers should take into consideration if they want to successfully enter and thrive in new markets.

Browsing to purchase

Nowadays, customers no longer browse through furniture websites just to window shop; they are looking for products they actually want to buy. In fact, almost two-thirds (62.3%) of searches in the furniture section are transactional in intention. This means that furniture manufacturers must be prepared to meet customer demands and provide an excellent user experience if they wish to convert mere visitors into loyal customers and drive sales.

One way to do that is to ensure that your website offers a seamless customer journey from start to finish: simple navigation, clear descriptions, easy payment and delivery options, secure checkout processes, etc. Content-wise, you may decide to present some of the most important information in the form of simple FAQs. Also, don’t forget to adjust your return and privacy policies to the preferences (and legal requirements!) of each of your target markets.

The importance of keywords

When entering foreign markets, it’s important to research the keywords and phrases that are commonly used by potential customers in that region. Keywords differ from market to market due to disparities in terms of culture and search patterns dictated by various language rules. That’s why translating keywords popular in your home market is never enough. By researching, mapping and then incorporating the right keywords into your website and marketing content, you can improve your visibility in search engine results and increase your chances of being found organically.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) should be another essential part of your marketing strategy, as it ensures that your website is user-friendly and easy for search engines to crawl and rank. SEO involves optimising every aspect of your page – content, structure, metadata, and more. Effective website positioning can help you stay ahead of the competition and achieve long-term success in the digital world.

Good content = new customers

Nowadays, having a professional online presence is the key to connecting with potential customers from around the world. That’s why it’s so important to have a variety of well-written content on your website and social media accounts that will resonate with users and help you build a relationship with them. Such content includes product descriptions, blog posts, videos and other types of posts that showcase your products and brand.

You need to make sure your content is tailored to each individual platform and is up-to-date – this will encourage existing customers to come back for more. You should also research your target audience beforehand. Some markets may prefer longer, more detailed descriptions, while others – shorter, visual content. Understanding what type of customers you want to attract will allow you to create better marketing campaigns that will increase conversion rates. If you have any doubts – reach out to us! We will make sure that our copywriting services meet your expectations to the fullest.

Let’s not forget about translation and localisation

One of the most important aspects of entering a foreign market is ensuring that your content (e.g. product descriptions or marketing materials) is correctly localised. This means more than simply translating your website into the target language – it requires an in-depth knowledge of context, culture, customs, expressions and nuances which can allow you to accurately adapt your content to the market you want to enter, making it as engaging as possible to the new audience.

Certain colours, symbols or imagery may have different meanings in different cultures. For example, if you are looking to sell furniture in Japan, you should take into account space constraints since Japanese homes tend to have much smaller living areas compared to other countries.

Hiring a professional translation agency can help ensure that your message is appropriate for the new target market. This will not only help you avoid potential cultural missteps, but also make your company appear more trustworthy and professional, which will ensure customer satisfaction along the way!

No return zone

When it comes to selling furniture online, clear and precise descriptions are essential for customer satisfaction. Customers want to know exactly what they’re getting before they buy it, which is why any ambiguities in product descriptions can result in an abandoned cart. Nobody likes making returns – especially when it comes to large products such as furniture. Returning, for instance, a bookshelf or bed frame can prove to be overly complicated and time- and cost-consuming.

You need to make sure to provide detailed and accurate information about your products, including dimensions, materials, assembly instructions and any special features or requirements. Thanks to that, people will be able to make an informed purchase, which will also reduce the likelihood of returns and improve customer satisfaction.

More importantly, transparency is key throughout the purchasing process: from product descriptions right through delivery and beyond. Furniture manufacturers should aim to provide clear information at every step of the way so that customers feel confident that they understand what they are buying and know exactly what will happen should something go wrong.

A successful journey

Entering foreign markets can be a lucrative opportunity for furniture manufacturers, but it requires careful consideration and planning. It’s not easy to remember every aspect that needs to be taken care of, but with locatheart experts on board, you can rest assured – we’ve got you covered in terms of SEO, content creation, localisation and keyword research. Contact us and see for yourself!

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