We helped a Scandinavian building block set manufacturer boost product visibility on Amazon

klocki case study locatheartAll children, whether they are 4 or 99 years old, love to build all sorts of structures with blocks. Those colourful little elements are unquestionably a source of joy that not only bridges generations but also creates unforgettable moments of carefree fun for people of all ages worldwide.

At locatheart, we’re proud to have contributed to this by preparing search-engine-optimised translations of building block set descriptions in 5 different languages.

Challenges and objectives

Our client wanted to enhance the discoverability of their products on Amazon across France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands. To do that, we first worked on refining descriptions for various building block sets that were already available on the market. Next, we localised descriptions for new products introduced by our client. Meeting the client’s strict deadlines was a top priority throughout the project.

Reach out to us and we’ll provide you with a comprehensive presentation on this project!

Step 1: Creating a repository of key phrases

We started by preparing a keyword database. Initially, we planned to build separate repositories for each product.

Ultimately, however, we decided to adopt a novel approach and suggested grouping sets thematically, which led to the creation of specific keyword databases. This alternative strategy not only proved to be as effective as our initial plan but also allowed the client to optimise costs.

To identify relevant key phrases, we used a specialised tool, Helium 10, which allowed us to look up phrases used in Amazon users’ queries.

The resulting repositories were submitted for approval, and the client selected the most relevant key phrases to drive their Amazon presence.

Do you want to boost your brand’s visibility in foreign markets?

Schedule a call with our e-commerce expert and find out how locatheart can help you!

Step 2: Translation of client-provided content

The client provided us with product descriptions in English, prepared by their in-house copywriters.

Alongside the content, we received guidelines identical to those provided to the copywriters. Our team of translators then took the reins, translating and adapting the content into the following languages:






Throughout this process, we diligently adhered to Amazon’s guidelines, including character limits and rules for titles, bullet points and more. Our approach also incorporated best practices for optimising content to enhance visibility in Amazon’s search results.

For an in-depth look into the foundations of the e-commerce content we create:


We take immense pride in the fact that our contributions have enabled even more children in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands to enjoy our client’s remarkable building block sets.

This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without our project managers who ensured that all content adhered to the client’s and Amazon’s guidelines and that all deadlines were met.