Market Insights and Target Group
In cosmetics translation, choosing the right tone of voice, form of address and type of content is extremely important, and cannot be performed without a good insight into the target market.
As most promoted cosmetics are not basic necessities, customers’ approach to them varies a lot from market to market – it all depends on development levels, income structures, local traditions and culture. Customers also have varied tastes, with some preferring all-natural cosmetics and others craving new cosmetic technologies. The differences are also age-related. Though some age categories are designed strictly for improved marketing and sales, others are completely natural and biological, and must be considered in each market.
Multilingual Keyword Research
Is “cosmetics” your keyword? Think about it. In some countries both make-up and skincare are covered by one umbrella term, like “cosmetics.” In others, such umbrella terms exist but are rarely used and sound unnatural in digital communication.
For each new market, you must learn about the existing segmentation of make-up and skincare products in order to position yourself correctly and select the right keywords. In this industry, unlike many others, you can expect large structural differences between your keyword lists for different markets. It is a good thing. But if you have any doubts, allow us to handle it.
If you want to learn more about our multilingual SEO services, click here.
Creating Content
Because of segmentation and cultural differences, much of your content may need adaptation, transcreation or even multilingual copywriting from scratch to truly meet your customers’ needs.
It is one thing to decide to do that. It is another to design and conduct the whole process – from the first decision to the final publication. If you’re planning content activities in many markets, you will appreciate having a reliable language partner like locatheart.
Video Content Translation: Tutorials, Routines, Reviews
Video is very powerful when it comes to cosmetics. Make-up tutorials, skincare routines, collection presentations and celebrity reviews may be well-designed to work across borders as long as they’re well translated. Translation usually comes in the form of subtitles, although some markets may require voiceovers or original content.
Our company started out with video translation and, with long-standing experience in subtitling and voiceover for a variety of formats, we will be happy to translate your video content as well.

How to Prepare for Translation?
Each brand is unique in terms of communication. You have your vocabulary. Your colour and product names have a certain style that shows your identity. To convey all of this successfully in new markets, it’s advisable to prepare thorough guidelines for your content, and to take the time to develop translations of certain terms with your language partner.
Your colour palette is an example of a reference asset that may prove very important to translators. So is a blacklist of terms used strategically by your competitors in the new market.
Our account and project managers always take the time to discuss which reference materials are needed for a project, and which are available at the time. If anything is lacking, we will help you create the missing materials for the sake of future translations.