Localisation of a Polish furniture manufacturer’s website for the French market

furniture industry

One of our clients is a Polish furniture brand that for years has had a strong presence in Western markets thanks to a network of local distributors. Eventually, the time has come to publish search-engine-optimised content on a newly prepared website: among others, in French, German, Swedish, and Flemish – the last being very commonly spoken in Belgium.

Read our article and learn about locatheart’s contribution to this project!

Challenges and objectives

Content intended for the new website had to not only convey the brand personality, but also enable potential customers to actually find our client’s furniture; for this reason, SEO (search engine optimisation) adjustments needed to be made.

Do you want your furniture to be used and cherished all over the world?

Step 1: Key phrase research and mapping

First, our expert SEO team prepared a list of key phrases that could be used by French people when looking for furniture online – including that manufactured by our client.

The client provided us with a list of subpages, together with metadata and category descriptions, which we used during keyword research of the French market.

Importantly, not only did we build a huge pool of keywords, but also mapped them to each title, description, and meta tag used on a specific subpage. Thanks to that, during the next stage, we could be confident that none of crucial keywords was missing.

Along with the keyword list, we recommended that one of the category names should be changed, in order to include a stronger (more often searched for) keyword.

Want your brand to be recognised abroad?

Step 2: Preparing translation into French

Adequately mapped key phrases and all reference materials were passed on to our translators who specialise in the furniture industry and understand the specifics of luxury goods brand communication.

Then, ready translations were sent to editors, who verified the adequacy and linguistic correctness of the texts. Employing a two-step process ensures that the client receives top quality content.

Learn more about creating multilingual content for your business –


Search-engine-optimised content allowed the French version of the website to kick off to a great start and gain organic traffic of 3,500+ monthly views – in just over a quarter!

the dynamic growth of organic traffic

The above graphic shows the dynamic growth of organic traffic for the French version of our client’s website, after the content we prepared was published.