Keyword localisation for the Scandinavian markets and fashion industry

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Each language has its own unique naming conventions and terminology, which often present a challenge when aiming for translations that both resonate naturally with users in specific markets and work well for looking up specific products online.

Learn how we helped a prominent clothing manufacturer from Poland localise category and product names for the Scandinavian markets.

Challenges and objectives

Direct translations of category and product names posed certain issues for our client – although linguistically accurate, the translations didn’t prioritise search engine optimisation (SEO), which is crucial for online presence and visibility. This was due to the nature of words that encompass a broader category – for instance, the Polish term bluzy, which describes both sweatshirts and hoodies. In contrast, Scandinavian languages have a more distinct differentiation between these items.

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Step 2: Creating keyword lists

We compiled potential keywords for each product category based on a thorough analysis of leading competitors in the target markets and prevalent terms in online advertising. Our process also factored in organic search results for the most popular phrases. Using a dedicated tool, we researched the potential of the identified key phrases, which also allowed us to expand the original keyword pool.

From this expanded list, we carefully selected phrases most frequently searched by users, which also aligned with products within the respective categories.

Are you looking for an SEO agency proficient in managing multiple markets? Check out our services!

Are you willing to leave the visibility of your products in foreign markets
to chance, or would you rather rely on experts?

Step 3: Verification of key phrases

The compiled list of key phrases for the Scandinavian markets was then once again thoroughly verified by our SEO specialists and subsequently sent to skilled linguists who specialise in the languages relevant to the client’s target markets. Their task was to refine the final category names specific to these markets.

This streamlined approach enabled us to promptly deliver to our client a comprehensive list of key phrases, complete with naturally sounding suggestions for product and category names that resonate with fashion lovers in:




Interested in further insights for successful expansion into foreign markets?


If you want your brand to be visible in several markets, a literal translation of keywords might not yield optimal results. Key phrases that perform well in a domestic market rarely bring satisfactory results when translated into another language. This disparity can be attributed, in part, to market-specific terminology and variations in sentence structure among different languages.

A solidly curated keyword database encompassing all markets important to your company proves invaluable when coming up with product and category names and descriptions, and boosting online visibility.