Tag - certified translation

How to become a translator

There are several routes leading to the translator profession – winding alleys walked by enthusiasts or experts in specific fields, as well as steep mountain trails climbed by philology students during their long education. Is one path better than the other? What awaits us at the end of the journey? Can the destination...

Linguistic wizards of locatheart

If Hamlet were taking place in the 21st century, Polonius would ask: “What do you read, my lord?”, to which Hamlet would once more reply: “Words, words, words,” this time with his royal thumb scrolling the text on his smartphone. Every single day there are more and more words, and with them grows the need...

In-house linguists – locatheart’s beating heart

In our industry, working with freelancers is both a necessity and a reality. However, it is even more important to create a permanent base of in-house linguists – at locatheart, we recognise that they are a beating heart of our agency, as they guarantee a smooth running of all processes while pumping valuable knowledge...

Title certified translation

Certified translation – should you, when, and how?

We all probably know how stressful it can get when one has to take care of administrative matters: regardless of whether it concerns a private matter or if it’s a work thing. Sometimes we are not quite sure where we should start to see things through. It can happen that we are required to...