Tag - translation

WordPress-based site translation – which plugin to choose?

WordPress is the most well-known CMS system (Content Management System) in the market. Its popularity stems from the fact that it is easy to operate and can be customised to suit our individual needs with the help of plugins. Some of them make it possible to translate a published content into other languages and...

Translating product descriptions – international SEO in the e-commerce industry, or why is it best not to use machine translation

When brands enter new markets, they have to face numerous challenges – including how to approach the subject of localisation. Although there are certain solutions which may be tempting in terms of optimisation and price, it is always better to work on selecting and using them with experts – otherwise, we may have to...

A translation to remember – what is translation memory and how it’s leveraged by linguists and agencies to provide excellent translations

In one of our previous texts we described tools that we employ to streamline locatheart’s localisation process. A large part of those is Trados, a CAT (computer-assisted-translation) tool that is the gold standard for translation industry. One of its most helpful features is the use of translation memories (TMs): “databases of all past projects,...

How to become a translator

There are several routes leading to the translator profession – winding alleys walked by enthusiasts or experts in specific fields, as well as steep mountain trails climbed by philology students during their long education. Is one path better than the other? What awaits us at the end of the journey? Can the destination...

In-house linguists – locatheart’s beating heart

In our industry, working with freelancers is both a necessity and a reality. However, it is even more important to create a permanent base of in-house linguists – at locatheart, we recognise that they are a beating heart of our agency, as they guarantee a smooth running of all processes while pumping valuable knowledge...

Tools we use at locatheart

At locatheart, we continuously carry out projects containing thousands of words into dozens of different languages. In order to ensure proper validation, consistency and coherence of content, as well as to streamline our processes, we employ various tools. The IT era has blessed the translation industry with amazing software that allows us to guarantee...

Prepare your business for new markets - LocAtHeart translation agency

Translate your business for new markets like a pro. Part 2

You already know how to decide which texts should be localised and where to look for a high-quality translation service provider. Let’s say you narrowed down your choices to 3 translation agencies. What’s next? Read the second part of our guide to learn how to decipher translation price lists and pick the best one....

Translate your business for new markets - LocAtHeart translation agency

Translate your business for new markets like a pro. Part 1

Translating your content into other languages may be a large undertaking. However, numerous surveys show that when it comes to online shopping, looking for service providers or simply browsing the net, online users tend to opt for websites in their native language. Choosing not to localise your content is one of the most fundamental...

How to translate content using an English master version - LocAtHeart translation agency

How to translate content using an English master version

We have described the benefits of using intermediary translation in our previous blog article, From Polish into Malaysian: when to use a pivot language. Included in the text were examples of situations where adopting this approach could turn out to be the best option. We have also explained when it is more advisable to...

How to translate texts into less-common languages - LocAtHeart translation agency

From Polish into Malaysian: when to use a pivot language

What should you do when your client needs to have content translated into a language which – on a global scale – is spoken by a rather small number of people? Sometimes, finding a person to translate directly from the source text is quite difficult and even if you do find someone who is...