Tag - translation

Language quality in e-commerce [featured image] - translation agency LocAtHeart

How to ensure language quality in e-commerce?

Why shouldn’t you dismiss linguistic quality in e-commerce as insignificant? Because everything you post on your website speaks volumes about your brand. And by everything we mean EVERYTHING – from banner texts and UI strings to subject-matter content. So… What if you run an international business and need content in a language that you can’t...

Translating Japanese Anime versus Western Animation for Children [featured image] - translation agency LocAtHeart

Words apart: translating Japanese anime vs Western animation for children

Anime has been gaining popularity in the West since the 1990s. The current VoD trend makes Japanese productions appealing to an even broader audience, thus creating demand for a growing number of language versions. It’s no secret that Western mainstream animation is usually made for children or for whole families. In Japan, it’s quite a...

How audiovisual translators shape our life? [featured image] - translation agency LocAtHeart

How audiovisual translators shape our life

You press “play” on an episode of a long-awaited series. You turn on subtitles in the language of your choice. You forget about the world and let yourself be entertained. Once the episode is over, you waste no time starting the next one. Sounds familiar?  Did you know that at the very end, there is...

Heading: How we built our team and gained experience in fashion translations

Clothing industry translations – how we built our team and gained experience

Clothing industry translations are seemingly easy. An amateur might ask, “What’s so difficult about fashion?” But an expert will answer, “Everything,” meaning various cuts, fabrics and trends that are only the tip of the fashion iceberg. At locatheart, we work only with true experts. We know that building up a professional team takes quite...